
Showing posts from January, 2022

Blog Post 3

 I think it's important to educate students on copyright and fair use; however, if a student broke any rules, I would likely be lenient and take minimal points off. I never learned a lot about these subjects, so I think it puts me at a disadvantage for the future. Therefore, I would not be doing right by my students by not putting it in the curriculum. I would probably create an assignment that allows students to use copyright practices, and ask them to use the practices throughout the school year.   If an issue came up where a student plagiarized an assignment and it was the first time, I would have a conversation with the student to see why they chose to plagiarize, rather than punishing them. If they ever chose to be academically dishonest again, however, I would give them a zero for the assignment. To prevent cyberbullying, I think a teacher should be extremely honest that it is unacceptable. By enforcing a strict punishment (such as a failing grade if a student was c...

Blog Post #2

I attended the same school from 6th to 12th grade and as adapted its own technology curriculum, my teachers shifted from requesting us to use Microsoft Word to Google Docs. I was always most comfortable with Microsoft Word; however, there is one thing that stands out about Google Docs that would lead me to teach with it as well: The autosave feature. This feature would have saved me from a mishap that occurred when I was in seventh grade English completing a research paper. The hard drive on my laptop randomly crashed, deleting everything. I had most of my paper completed and had to start from scratch. As a 13 year old, this was very frustrating since I had spent so much of my time taking notes and creating outlines. If I had used Google Docs, my work would have gone straight to a cloud.  The 2.1c standard states that: Educators stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from learning sciences. It's important for educators to lis...

Blog Post #1

 Hey EME2040! My name is Emily Allen and I'm a senior majoring in editing, writing and media with a minor in education. I'm from Orlando and have an older brother and a labradoodle named Cooper. I love writing and I am currently a digital content intern at the Moore Agency in Tallahassee. If I pursue teaching I plan on teaching high school English.  My experience with technology in an educational setting is limited to the student perspective as I don't have any experience teaching. I grew up in a school where we used laptops and smart boards so it has been similar throughout my life, except for in elementary school where we weren't at the smart board age yet. I am hoping to learn how to navigate all the little details of technology platforms from the teacher side, since it is a bit different. Also I'm assuming there is more to educational technology than Zoom and projectors so I would like to get a good understanding of everything.  As an English major, I use a lot ...