Blog Post 3

 I think it's important to educate students on copyright and fair use; however, if a student broke any rules, I would likely be lenient and take minimal points off. I never learned a lot about these subjects, so I think it puts me at a disadvantage for the future. Therefore, I would not be doing right by my students by not putting it in the curriculum. I would probably create an assignment that allows students to use copyright practices, and ask them to use the practices throughout the school year. 

 If an issue came up where a student plagiarized an assignment and it was the first time, I would have a conversation with the student to see why they chose to plagiarize, rather than punishing them. If they ever chose to be academically dishonest again, however, I would give them a zero for the assignment. To prevent cyberbullying, I think a teacher should be extremely honest that it is unacceptable. By enforcing a strict punishment (such as a failing grade if a student was caught), this would deter students from the act. 

I think the main challenges I had with the newsletter assignment were the format and design. It was a bit tricky for me to figure out the formatting with the columns to properly organize the text and graphics onto each page. Specifically with the second page (attached as screenshots) I had a hard time setting the of the final information to where it made sense. I think this will help me as edit my resume over the years, so it will be more visually appealing to employers if I want it to be. 



  1. I like how you you said you would take off minimal points, I agree. However I would make sure they understood exactly what copyright and fair use is. Teaching them about using others work at a young age will help them out in the future. I also liked how you said there would be strict rules about cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a very serious act and if this is happening there should be strong consequences. No matter what age cyber bullying is not acceptable. Even though you states you struggled with some parts of the news letter, I think its super cute! I think the textbook order was a great way to add a slip that can be cut out and returned.


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